
We're here to help ensure that all DU students are able to pursue a degree that matches with their educational goals 和 interests. We'll help you underst和 the requirements of your chosen academic program, as well as providing information on the various opportunities available to you.


主要的声明 & 变更请求


We provide degree audit 和 evaluation services that explain the course work 和 requirements that you must complete before becoming eligible for a degree.


公告 & 目录

探索 our 公告 和 course catalogs for a full listing of the academic 项目 offered by the University, 以及各自的要求.



We offer a variety of special undergraduate degree options that can exp和 the breadth of your course of study or allow you to develop two sets of separate but complimentary skills 和 knowledge.

  • 二次大

    Secondary majors offer the opportunity to earn one bachelor's degree in one primary program supplemented by work in a second field of specialization outside the primary program. The “secondary major” offers the option of studying two subjects 从 two different degree 项目 while earning a bachelor's degree in the first major without the requirement of earning one for the secondary major.

    具体地说, this option allows a student 从 one degree program to earn a secondary major 从 a participating department within a different program by fulfilling the requirements (normally 40–45 quarter hours) set forth by that participating department but without requiring students to complete additional courses that comprise that other program’s core curriculum.

    第二专业的最新列表可以在 学位和学习计划 section.


  • 学士学位

    Students who wish to pursue two separate undergraduate degrees simultaneously should request an 批准的形式本科学业指导. A concurrent degree is different than a double major where the majors are within the same degree. Students must work with advisors in both degree areas to establish an academic plan for completing requirements for both degrees. Students should submit the form 和 their academic plan to the registrar’s office for final approval.

    A student who wants to pursue concurrent undergraduate degrees must complete the following:

    • a minimum of 228 quarter hours (Note: Certain degrees may require additional hours.)
    • all University requirements for both degrees (Common Curriculum requirements need only be completed once, but any unique requirements for each degree program must be met)
    • major 和 minor requirements as defined by the appropriate departments 和 schools
    • academic good st和ing at the time of graduation (GPA of 2.0或更高(学位课程要求)
  • 第二学士学位

    A student with a bachelor’s degree 从 an accredited college or university who wants to earn a second bachelor’s degree 从 the 新MG线上电子游戏 must meet normal admission requirements 和 complete the following:

    • residence requirement of at least 45 quarter hours (one year of full-time study)
    • major 和 minor requirements as defined by the appropriate departments 和 schools
    • 本科学历要求
    • 学业成绩良好(GPA 2分).0 or higher) at the time of graduation (Note: The accounting program requires a higher GPA.)
    • At least 50 percent of the required credits for the major 和 the minor must be completed at the 新MG线上电子游戏.

    课程s taken for the first degree may apply as part of the 新MG线上电子游戏 undergraduate requirements for the second degree. 课程s previously taken 和 now being applied to the major or minor are allowed with permission of the chair of the appropriate department. 在一般情况下, courses used for a minor in the first degree may be built on for a major in the second degree. However, the major in the first degree cannot count as a minor for the second.

    Possession of a bachelor’s degree does not automatically fulfill the common degree requirements as defined by the University.

  • 本科和研究生双学位

    A Dual Undergraduate-Graduate 学位 Program is an institutionally approved program in which a DU undergraduate student begins taking classes toward a graduate degree program prior to earning a bachelor's degree. 在大多数情况下, the student will be required to earn both degrees within five years of matriculation into the undergraduate degree program.
